General Kanalmontert innedel 8,5kW, R-32
Høyde på kun 240mm, innebygget drenspumpe og tåler fra 30 til 150Pa.
Mulig tilleggsutstyr:
Wired Remote Controller (Design type): UTY-RVRG
Compact wired remote controller: UTY-RCRGZ1
Wired remote controller (touch panel): UTY-RNRGZ5
Wired remote controller: UTY-RLRG
Simple remote controller (without operation mode): UTY-RHRG
Simple remote controller: UTY-RSRG
Remote sensor unit: UTY-XSZX, UTY-XSZXZ1
IR receiver unit (12 – 24) : UTY-LBTGM
Silver ion filter: UTD-HFNB (22/24) and UTD-HFNA (30/36/45/54)
Long-life filter: UTD-LFDC (12-18), UTD-LFDB (22/24) and UTD-LFDA (30/36/45/54)
MODBUS converter: UTY-VMSX
KNX converer: UTY-VKSX
External connect kit: UTY-XWZXZG
External input and output PCB: UTY-XCSX
External input and output PCB bracket: UTZ-GXDA
External conection Kit (hoved kort): UTY-XWZXZG
External switch controller: UTY-TERX
Network Convertor for single split (DC power supply type): UTY-VTGX
Network Convertor for single split (AC power supply type): UTY-VTGXV
(Outdoor unit 30/36/45/54) External connect kit: UTY-XWZXZ3